
Tednique     -the way Ted would do something.

Gigundo      -really, really, really big.

Tederference    -when Ted tries to get us to do something the way he would do it.

Hero    -someone who works past the clock-out time just to finish a project, or who overachieves like they're getting paid extra for doing extra.

Sure    - Victoria-specific response to any question that she doesn't care about. Example: "should we wash lettuce or chard?"

No crap nor credit    - stating this removes both blame and glory for any project one might accomplish. Usually stated when you don't believe in the instructions given by someone other than Ted.

"Ted wills it!"    - based off the movie Kingdom of Heaven when the crusaders declare "god wills it" as their reasoning behind anything and everything they want to do. On Windflower, if we aren't sure about why we're doing a task, we say this.

Estimated Exodus   -the estimated time at which we think we'll leave on a harvest day.

Brushing and Flossing   - the two techniques of weeding. The rows between plants and the spaces between plants.

No Check   -the punishment we threaten for anything you do wrong.

Narnia    - the imaginary place in the cooler where we store all the surplus vegetables that can't fit.

Banishment    -the term for a solo project

"Panic, everybody panic" -how we make fun of someone who is stressing.

Nooner    -someone who leaves at noon.

Halfternooner    -someone who leaves around two or three in the afternoon.

"The Ted"    -the actual title we give to Ted, because there is no other.

Nerd Herd    -affectionate term for the large group of home-schoolers who roam the farm as workers.

Peon 3rd Class    - anyone who has been on the farm for more than one year.

Peon 4th Class    - a new guy.

Gruntled     - the opposite of disgruntled.

The Ted Commandments    - a list of rules given by Ted

"Ted Alert"    - altered from Star Trek. Someone says this just as Ted is walking by.

Holy or Unholy    - bins with or without holes.

 Peon Pow-wow   - anytime the workers gather to discus something